Friday, November 27, 2009

Shoveling Job

I haven't been using the front door to the building where I live this week and everyone else in my section of the building has been out of town since the start of the week. So, Thursday after the Thanksgiving dinner at the church this is what I saw when I was dropped off. I have to admit I was a little surprised at how deep it was. There was noway in. Luckily I have another door around the corner that wasn't blocked. I only had to wade through thigh deep snow to get to it. But, on the bright side, I was able to open it.
So, this morning I got up and shoveled. First, I shoveled out a path from the door I was able to get in. Then I went around and tackled this entrance.
The snow was almost as deep as the shovel was tall.
Finally, about an hour later, my door was accessible. Yeah! I didn't even feel bad about skipping my run today.

By the way, these pictures were all taken around noon. You can tell there's not much light left here.

1 comment:

annette gillis said...

WOW! And I thought that it was too cold in Barrow to snow!!! It looks like that is not the case. I'm glad that you are practicing shoveling so that you will be in shape when you get here for Chrismas!