For a while I've been excited for this weekend for a long time. I thought it would be a good chance to relax and catch up on my sleep. It didn't turn out to be that way. ON Wednesday the school district had a dinner for all the staff. There was a talent show. Among the acts was a native
Inpuiat dancing group. They were
descendants of the original settlers of Point Barrow. Here's a few pictures from it.
On Thursday I was in charge of organizing the branch Thanksgiving dinner. We did it potluck styles and I delegated the cooking of the turkey
s. I turned out pretty good. Friday we had a desert and games night at the ward. Following that I went to the school and spent the night there for a fundraiser for the Jr. Class of which I am a sponsor. Saturday I went to the annual craft fair here in Barrow. There is a lot of cool stuff to buy if you have the money and the place to put it. I spent way to much on a fossilized walrus ivory bracelet. But, hey, who else will you ever meet that has one. I can't show the rest, it's all for Christmas. It may not be something yo
u'd see
advertised on T.V. or for sell in the mall , but I can
guarantee you, no one else will buy the same gifts that I did for Christmas.