Here in Barrow, a lot of things are done differently. Christmas caroling is no exception. Here's a few pictures of how we do it.
We call those we want to sing to on the Polycom. It's a lot warmer this way and we can even be accompanied by the piano. Not only that, but we don't have to worry about running from polar bears who can't stand how bad it sounds. I don't think it will ever replace real caroling, but it was a fun evening. By the way, this is the same way that I've had church for the past three years. At least now I'm on this end.
The Polycom. My old connection to the branch.
Emily is blogger!!!! Good. I am so excited to read more posts from the Relief Society President. Looks like you accepted it and doing everything that is expected. Good Job. Remind me again when you are in town.
Caroling is much more enjoyable when warm. The kids are excited to have you back for a while.
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