I'm always telling myself that I will do _________ when ________ (fill in the blanks). It seems that I am always putting things on hold for one reason or another. I'll make the brownies when I have some where to take them. I'll put out the nice tablecloth when I have someone over for dinner. I'll buy the cheap dishes/pans/bedding/etc. now and get some nice ones when I move back down south. For me that's big one, I'll do ______ when I have a place of my own/move of the slope. I put off what I want for no real reason. It seems that this is some natural phenomenon that we all fall into for some reason or another. Well, lately I've decided that when is never going to come. When is some future date that is never now. Why shouldn't I have brownies for dessert tonight? Why shouldn't I were that new shirt today? Why shouldn't I fix thing in my place the way I want them now? Why should those nice dish towels just fill up room in a box for the next ten years? What if when never comes? What's the point of having things if I'm never going to use them? Why is some future date going to be better than today? I need to make when now. So, I'm making brownies for dinner tonight even if I have to eat them all by myself. (I won't complain about that.) I put out the tablecloth because I feel like it. Life can't be lived for some future date. There is a difference between planning for the future and living for the future. It's time to quit saying when and start saying why not today.

1 comment:
This is one hard lesson you only learn as you grow, Why wait to put that sink in the bathroom (like I've been wanting forever) until we are ready to sell the house! Would have been a nice thing to have.
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