Sunday, March 29, 2009

Parent-Teacher Conferences

    Well, this week we had parent-teacher conferences.  I have to admit that I have always thought they were a waste of time.  The parents that you really need to talk to don't show up.  If they cared enough to come, they would care enough to encourage their kids to behave and do their work in the first place.  The parents who care are the ones that come.  And what's the point, their kids are the ones with A's and B's who behave in class.  You tell them their kid is doing great in class, behaving well, and working hard.  
      Today in church I got to see another side of it.  A parent was talking about when you are raising your kid you never know until it's over if you have done a good job and taught them what they need to know.  She said she went to parent-teacher conferences and heard that her two girls were doing well and that they were wonder examples for the other students and staff that she felt like she had done something right as a parent.  She described it as her pay for being a parent.  So while parent-teacher conferences are still a waste for me, I guess they do serve a purpose for someone else.   

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