Sunday, March 1, 2009

   Well, for about four months now, we have been looking forward to Sister Beck, the General Relief Society President, visiting us here in Barrow.    She was going to spend Friday and Saturday afternoon with the member in Fairbanks and then fly up Saturday night and spend Sunday with those of us up here.  I've had a lot of organizing to do.  I figured that we needed to make sure that things looked good for her.  That means I had to do more than put paper and crayons on the tables for the kids.  So the table cloths were pulled out of the closet, washed, and my counselors and I got together to iron them all.  We even put together center piece arrangements.  Anyone who knows me would know that this is much beyond my ordinary level of preparation for a potluck meal after church or for anything.  Well, it turns out it was all in vain.  No planes have been able to land here since Friday morning.  The original flight was canceled Saturday and rebooked for today, however, it too was canceled.  But, we went onward with the celebration anyway.  I'm sure the sisters were all disappointed they had to hear from me instead of Sister Beck, but  at least the tables looked pretty for the potluck.   One sister mentioned that we need to find out who was praying for Sister Beck to stay in Fairbanks and get lessons on prayer from her.  

1 comment:

The Sanders Family said...

What a bummer. At least now that you've practiced you'll be ready for the next special visitor.