Tuesday, May 19, 2009

FHE & Marshmallows

Last night we had a branch family home evening.  About twenty people showed up for it.  The primary president and I were in charge of it.  She did the lesson and I got the fun part, the activity.  The topic was David and Goliath.  So, I brought my sling shot (why I have it up here I don't know) and had the kids (and adults) practice hurling marshmallows at each other.  Some of them are actually good shots with it.  Some weren't.  I think we will be finding marshmallows all over the chapel/multi-purpose room for months to come.  That is, the ones that the little kids didn't pick up off the floor and eat.  Too bad I forgot to take any actions shots.  It was pretty funny.

1 comment:

The Sanders Family said...

What lucky parents, now they don't need to take sacrament treats, just tell the kids to go find a marshmallow!