Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Surprise trip to Utah

A week or so after I arrived I got a phone call telling me to buy a ticket back to Utah. My sister Stacy had decided to marry her long time boyfriend, Dave. So a few hours after I ran my first race, I jumped on a plane and headed back to Salt Lake.
It was fun to see the family again. Not to mention the trees and mountains. Here are some pictures of Dad, Robert, Adrienne, Brooklen, and Hurley out on Whitney Reservoir. Not only can I look at these pictures and see family, I can remember that there are places in the world where it's green and things grow taller than four inches.
Pictures of the wedding site at the 10th Ward Building. Didn't I do a great job setting it up. (Well, I did have a little help. O.K., a lot of help)
The Bride and Groom (To quote the invitation . . . finally.)

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